Tuesday, March 2, 2010

I love things like this...

It's easy to judge things in a black and white manner. Those people are evil. These deeds are wrong. Wrong deeds are committed by evil people. But we all seem to forget the evil things we all do. Only, we don't perceive ourselves as evil people, cuz we know ourselves. We know our hearts and souls, we know that we're actually good people. If you consider that your perception of good is often heavily reliant on your environment and culture, your up bringing and the opinions and beliefs of those involved in your upbringing... then you must also consider that, other people, brought up in a different environment, with different morals and values to ours, are not necessarily evil merely because our mentalities don't coincide.

So anyway, its just an opinion of mine, which was provoked by the horrifically cute picture above of Nazi SS troops adoring a kitten.

Would evil people do that? Hm... that answer is just your opinion.

1 comment:

  1. Honestly, I love this picture so much. It's so strange and so adorable. It does something to your mind, watching a bunch of 'horrible, evil monsters' fawning over a kitten. It makes you think. It's far easier to write things off as 'good' or 'evil' than to consider the possibility of a grey area. Everybody has some good inside of them as well as some evil. Nothing is 100% either.
