Thursday, June 28, 2012

More Balloons!

I can't help myself, I thinks its the combination of flying and colour....

These are all from The Cool Hunter.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Up, Up! And AWAY!!

Isn't it wonderful knowing there are hot air balloon festivals? The pictures are just magical - beautiful landscapes, a myriad of colours floating across the sky - and after seeing them I know that I have to visit a balloon fiesta at least once in my life! And it seems an achievable goal when you consider there are 12 of these major hot air balloon events annually around the globe. Have a look here to see if there are any that could fit in with your world travel aspirations.

Bristol International Balloon Fiesta - Bristol, UK

Montgolfiades - Rocamadour, France 

Saxonia International Balloon Fiesta - Leipzig, Germany