Friday, April 30, 2010

Back in the Day... a phrase I have a love/hate relationship with. Back in the day. It makes one sound so old. But then again, so does referring to one's self as "one". That observation aside, how else do you refer to a previous chapter in your life? Having only just entered the second year of my working life, anything before that seems like a long past memory... like college for example.

Well, anyway, back in the day when my lady friends and I were diligently studying the inter workings of design and interiors we did a grueling project about chairs. All about chairs. Not just any chairs thought. Chairs that we considered the pillars in design society. Our opinion didn't have much to do with the outcome. Apparently these 'pillars' had been previously decided upon time and time again. At that stage though, how were we to know? We were young, naive. Alas, out innocence is gone.

So enough with the melodramatic. Innocence or no. The chairs we looked at were awesome pillars indeed. And is ALL about the chairs. As you read on the majorly image orientated page it is described as "a blog about chairs
and nothing else". Which, is the pillar of truth. Check it out. I love it.

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