Friday, December 11, 2009

Whatever shall I sit on?

I have a bed. I have a television. I have a chair. And that's about all I have. Oh, and an old Oregon Pine Chest of Draws. But I want a couch. A really comfortable couch. Unfortunately those aren't the affordable couches - affordable I have realised is a term used in relation to ones bank account, it's not a standard measurement of cost (as I'd previously thought).

No couch is really affordable (for me), but if I must spend this money, I will spend it on something of quality. Its simple something I believe. Buy quality where ever you can. So this was the goal I set myself. Quality. (Within reason). Comfort. Awesome fabric.

Off I set, finding my couch (which I did - immediately, first couch I saw) and threw myself onto many couches in many stores in the search of adequate, if not luxurious comfort and quality. As I said my mind was set. As much as I tried (in the desire to be 'open minded'), there was no unsetting it either. Comfort, quality and choice in fabric. That was my goal. That was what this couch offered. I was powerless to say no. Even though it means a bit (a lot) of money saving before I even order. (I still haven't even paid a deposit on it. But I am going to)

And the fabric? Purple. Yes, purple.

What could be more awesome than a purple couch?

I know the picture isn't of a purple couch, but the option of purple upholstery is there. And I will choose it.

Fabric: Easy
Colour: (2)Egg Plant

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